1032 days to due date
This blog will sbuject one great goal – making life better, in any aspect.
I will share my journey toward making the current year my best year yet.
Who am i?
I’m 26 year old, had my birthday a week ago (at the time of writing these lines).
Like a lot of other people, I decided to improve myself and my life that year so I’ll be able to look back on this year when I’ll turn 27 and be proud of it.
Why am I doing it?
I am not the first one who marked an important day of the year (like a birthday or new year) and decided to make the following year better than the last one. Also, this is far from being my first time thinking about it, promising myself, setting goals, and then just “flow with it” during the year and look back on the past 365 days with a bit of disappointment.
So this time, I decided to take it another step forward and write about it regularly. This way, I hope, it will be on my mind for the whole year.
What’s next?
So you might ask yourself – What’s next? What will you do after this exceptional year you’re planning for yourself?
Well, the answer is pretty obvious – Making the next one even better.